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Christmas Music Guru
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Date Posted:05/18/2012 06:00:26Copy HTML


Dear Friends,

This announcement brings news that is both exhilarating and heartbreaking at the very same time.

After years of lobbying record executive Gordon Anderson (first when he was with Collectors' Choice Music, and now with his new company Real Gone Music) to release the great master and maestro Percy Faith's classic 1958 Christmas album Hallelujah, he has finally taken me up on my suggestion and has secured the rights from Sony Music and will release the album on CD this Christmas of 2012. In addition, he has also agreed to release it with the original 1958 album cover artwork. In 1997, when Sony first issued the LP on CD, they used the 1965 reissue LP artwork. And although that reissue artwork (of the Nativity) was beautiful, the new release will boast the original 'Angel with Harp' artwork.

So, finally, this legendary album will not only be released, but in its original form. That's the wonderful news.

However, sadly, my joy is tempered somewhat by the sobering news that he intends to release the album on a double CD coupled with the original 1954 Mono recording of Music Of Christmas -- and not the later classic 1959 Stereo re-recording, which is still currently being printed by Sony but has still to this day never has been properly remastered. And while Gordon has categorically assured me that he will do a full and proper remastering of the 1954 recording (and I'm sure he will), that doesn't change the fact that the original 1954 Mono recording -- while brilliant in its own right -- was nevertheless not only technologically  inferior to the 1959 re-recording (because of the lack of Stereo) but also artistically inferior to the later masterful and definitive 1959 Stereo re-recording.

Over the years many folks on the message board have told me that they ideally wanted to see the two recordings (the 1959 Stereo re-recording of Music Of Christmas and the 1958 album Hallelujah) released on a double CD. But I had always told them repeatedly that it was highly unlikely Sony would ever relinquish the printing rights to another record company as they are very protective of Mr. Faith's Christmas material -- especially his 1959 Stereo re-recording, which has never been out-of-print since its release 53 years ago in 1959. The shame about it is that, again, Sony has never taken the time and money to properly remaster the 1959 recording, notwithstanding the fact that many folks have lobbied them to do so for many years now -- including yours truly.

My fervent wish would have been that Sony would have ceded the printing rights for the 1959 Stereo recording to Gordon's company so it could have gotten a proper and well-deserved remastering. However, Sony will probably never stop printing the 1959 album themselves, as it is just too much of a money-maker for them given its legendary status. So unfortunately, this scenario is the best anybody's going to be able to do: a double CD of both albums using the original 1954 Mono recording.

The silver lining in this is that Gordon's company, Real Gone Music, will be the very first company to release the original 1954 recording with the original 1954 artwork. And it is a very famous one indeed. In fact, on my list of the greatest Christmas album covers of all-time, it ranks Number 2, second only to the classic cover for Fred Waring's 1955 Decca Christmas album 'Twas The Night Before Christmas, which sported a rendering by the great American artist Norman Rockwell called "Caught Napping" (a drawing of Santa and his elves discovering two small children sleeping in a chair Christmas Eve night). However, the 1954 Music Of Christmas artwork is very poignant as well: A drawing of a father playing Santa with his daughter sleeping in his arms.

Notwithstanding the joy of seeing the first release of the original 1954 artwork, I still wish that Gordon was releasing the double CD with the 1959 Stereo re-recording properly remastered, it would have made a great, great package. And unfortunately, as it stands now, I don't foresee the day when the legendary 1959 recording will ever receive a proper remastering. And that is quite sobering indeed.

As anyone who is familiar with this message board already knows, in my Top 500 of the greatest Christmas albums of all-time, Percy Faith is at the very top. And of the Christmas albums that I have helped manage to get back into print and released on CD so far, it is the Percy Faith and Mantovani albums that I am the most proud. Someday, perhaps, I will manage to convince Sony to do the right thing and remaster the 1959 Stereo re-recording, which is the Number 1 album on my
Top 500 list.

I've posted this several times on the message board before,
but given the occasion of the upcoming release of the new CD, I am going to post it again here. It is an excerpt from a post that I previously filed on the message board several years back that pretty much says it all about Percy Faith's classic and legendary albums Music Of Christmas and Hallelujah:

In my entire collection, there are only two albums that I do not have the audacity to rate on my scale of 1-10, as they are beyond my ability to apply such an arbitrary number due to the sheer perfection that was achieved in their majesty and reverence of arranging, conducting and performance. They are: Music Of Christmas, originally released in 1954 in mono, then re-recorded and re-released in 1959 in stereo; and Hallelujah, originally released in 1958, then later reissued in 1965 as Music of Christmas, Volume 2. To rate these two albums in my opinion, would be like putting a price on the Mona Lisa -- which of course, is priceless. Mr. Faith's third and final Christmas album was Christmas Is from 1966, and I rate this album at 8 on my scale of 1-10.

One last thing about the new CD:
Gordon is also including as bonus tracks the three Christmas songs that Mr. Faith recorded very early in his career in 1950. These songs are Sleigh Ride, Christmas In My Heart and Christmas In Killarney. All three had only previously been released in 1950 as singles by Columbia Records.

Here now is the original album cover artwork for the 1954 and 1958 Percy Faith Christmas albums that will soon be released:



When Gordon advises me the exact street date for the CD, I'll post it on this thread.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
CluelessInSeattle Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/18/2012 12:51:56Copy HTML

Hi Chip!

I'm starting to feel like I'm in an episode of "One Step Beyond," because just yesterday I started thinking about Percy Faith's recording of "Gesu Bambino" and wondering how I would ever be able to lay my hands on a CD quality recording of it (that I could afford, that is).

And here I have my answer!

It's apparent that you have psychic powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men, my friend.

Thanks a million for bringing this project to fruition!

Will in Seattle a.k.a. "Clueless"
boojidad Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/18/2012 04:15:38Copy HTML

What I recall - and I'm open to being corrected - is that while 'Music of Christmas' was recorded once in mono and then re-recorded in stereo, 'Hallelujah' was only recorded once but was called 'Hallelujah' in its mono form and 'Music of Christmas' in its stereo form.  If my recollection is correct, then my question is: will this new release of 'Hallelujah' be in mono or stereo?  Given the history, and general market considerations, I'm guessing that both of the new releases will be in mono, because CBS would not conceive of re-releasing either album in disc form in mono themselves.  They do see value in the stereo releases, or at least Volume 1, which they won't let go of.  And you're right, if they're going to insist on hanging on to Volume 1, at least remaster the dang thing!  Still, I welcome the release of the 1954 'Music of', especially with fresh mastering.  And hope springs eternal....
Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/18/2012 06:20:18Copy HTML


I'm glad to hear that you are looking forward to the new CD. And yes, Gesu Bambino is one of the absolute best songs on the album. It is a stunningly beautiful arrangement; so poignant and reverent. It is simply quintessential Percy Faith.


No, what you said was categorically not correct. The album Hallelujah was recorded and released in Stereo in 1958. All you have to do is scroll above to my post and see the album cover artwork for the LP.  At the very top of the cover you will clearly see the iconic Columbia Records left and right arrows and the words Stereo (preceding the left arrow) and Fidelity (following the right arrow).
As was common practice in those years, Columbia Records also offered a Mono version of the Stereo recording for the folks that didn't yet have Stereophonic equipment. The album cover for the Mono version was the same except it did not sport the Stereo Fidelity left and right arrows.

If you recall, back in July of 2011, when I announced the new Christmas compilation CD from Guild Music, you had posted a message on the board that erroneously stated that the album Hallelujah was recorded twice; first in Mono and then again later in Stereo. And if you also recall, in my reply, I clearly and unequivocally stated that this was not correct and I posted the recording dates for both Mr. Faith's Music Of Christmas (which was indeed recorded twice) and Hallelujah (which absolutely wasn't). For the edification of others on this message board, I am now going to post that information again here:


Music Of Christmas
Recorded (in Mono) on May 24th, 25th and 26th 1954 in New York City (Columbia catalog #CL-588)
Re-Recorded (in Stereo) on June 16th and 19th 1959 in New York City (Columbia catalog #CL-1381/CS-8176)

Recorded (in Stereo) on May 20th, 21st and 29th 1958 in New York City (Columbia catalog #CL-1187/CS-8033)

**Reissued as Music Of Christmas, Volume 2 in 1965 (Columbia catalog #CL-2405/CS-9205)

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
Christmas Always Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/18/2012 06:44:38Copy HTML


If my explanation isn't correct or accurate, please correct it for me as I am not the expert.  Thank you.

Well, as most of you know, I prefer Vinyl instead of CD's, but for those who are anxiously awaiting for these CD's,  Chip is entirely correct that the 1959 Stereo release of "Music of Christmas" is far superior to the 1954 MONO release.

Not just because it is in Stereo, but Mr. Faith actually went back to the recording studio, hall or whatever they called it with his orchestra and re-recorded every single song and there are subtle changes to the arrangements of the songs.

If you listen to the MONO album alone and then listen to the Stereo album alone, you probably wouldn't notice anything other than it being in Stereo, but if you were to play them simultaneously, you would hear the changes and a few songs are several seconds longer on the Stereo recordings.

I do believe that Chip had mentioned several times that Mr. Faith actually re-recorded the 1959 album but I don't remember if he mentioned that some of the songs are longer or not.

Though I love the artwork on the 1954 MONO release, I prefer the 1959 Stereo release for listening purposes.

Christmas Isn't Just A Day In December, It's A Way Of Life. Susan
Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/18/2012 07:38:19Copy HTML


Your assessment is absolutely correct. Mr. Faith did indeed make subtle changes to his arrangements for the songs on the 1959 Stereo re-recording of Music Of Christmas -- both in timing and tempo. Though the changes were subtle, they vastly improved the quality of the recording. It was a more polished and perfected performance.

Even though the Mono and Stereo versions of the album were only recorded 5 years apart, Mr. Faith had grown considerably during that time and was at his artistic peak when he recorded Hallelujah in 1958 and re-recorded Music Of Christmas in 1959.

Kudos to you, Susan. I
t is very gratifying to me, a collector and connoisseur of Christmas music for over 40 years now, to know that there is someone else out there like yourself who also has such a discerning ear and keen love and appreciation of Mr. Faith's Christmas music -- and Christmas music in general for that matter.

But I would expect nothing less from my only Diamond member. Good girl.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
Christmas Always Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/18/2012 09:28:52Copy HTML


Thanks for your kind words...   I sometimes say things, but part turns out to be factual and other's are part of something else I remembered and I combine the two unintentionally.  Glad I got this one right for a change.

I just wish my knowledge was as vast as yours, but we grew up in different circumstances and different paths lead to different results, but our devition to the music and the appreciation we get from listening to it is something special,  A gift if you will, and not too many people have that these days and wouldn't notice the changes in tempo and timing, not just with Percy Faith, but in other music too.

Kudus to you too Chip for your devotion to keeping The Yule Log and it's music alive and all that you do in helping to get a lot of this music released on CD for those who prefer CD's.

Christmas Isn't Just A Day In December, It's A Way Of Life. Susan
johnnyelectron Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/18/2012 10:02:15Copy HTML

Wow, what a 'good news / bad news' situation. I've pestered Gordon for years for "Music of Christmas" to be remastered, but forgot to mention we'd like the STEREO 1959 version; well, at least we're half way there and that's very very good.

As far as 2 other bonus songs to add, I would suggest the instrumental song that would eventually morph into "Christmas Is" and the other song that is also an insturmental version of "When A Child Is Born".


Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/19/2012 05:34:43Copy HTML


Thanks for your kind words too, I appreciate it.


Obtaining the rights to the 1959 Stereo re-recording just isn't possible. As I have said many times on the message board before and again in my opening post on this thread, Sony will not relinquish the rights to the recording to another record company.

As for adding the instrumental version of Christmas Is (aka Judy) as well as the instrumental When A Child Is Born (aka Soleado) to the new CD as bonus tracks, I did push for it. It's a shame because they would have made excellent additions.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
log_fan Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/19/2012 04:20:21Copy HTML

Well this is big news!  Too bad the 1959 re-recording of Music of Christmas won't be part of this reissue but it's great that the beautiful artwork from the original 1954 release will return.  As I've mentioned before, my mom had the 45 EP version, so I have some familiarity with the original 1954 release.

I actually had the 1958 Hallelujah! album as a Columbia budget release called Music of Christmas, Vol. 2.  That one got lost in one of my moves.  Now it's coming home, along with the original 1954 Music of Christmas.  I'll be happy to have both editions of Music of Christmas as well as Hallelujah!  Welcome back to my home, Percy Faith! You've been missed!
olaf675 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #10
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/20/2012 03:16:24Copy HTML

I happened to be looking into a little bit of the history of "Music of Christmas".  While you and many other sources note a 1959 recording and release for the stereo re-recording of "Music of Christmas" --

I found two credible 1958 references calling this into question (you probably will need to zoom into both images) --

Billboard - October 20, 1958 (at top middle)

[There seems to be a typographical error, as the album is called "Music at Christmas".]

Billboard - November 24, 1958 (in "Deejays' Favorite Christmas Disks")

Anybody have an explanation?

Someone might be interested in the UK album cover for "Music of Christmas" (Philips – BBL 7012, 1959)
Motown Mike Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #11
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/20/2012 04:15:03Copy HTML

This is, indeed, a "good news/bad news" type of release. It will be awfully nice to have Hallelujah! back in print again, though.

What I was *really* hoping for was a Complete Christmas Recordings set for Mr. Faith, along the lines of what they did with Perry Como on Collectors Choice two years ago. You could easily fill two (or possibly even three) CDs with the following:

"Christmas in Killarney" (single A-side, 1950)
"Christmas in My Heart" (single A-side, 1950)
"Sleigh Ride" (single B-side, 1950)
"Brazilian Sleigh Bells" (single B-side, 1950)
Music of Christmas mono LP (1954)
"Toyland" and "March of the Toys" (from The Columbia Album of Victor Herbert LP, 1958)
Hallelujah! LP (1958)
Music of Christmas stereo LP (1959)
"My Favorite Things" (from The Sound of Music LP, 1960)
"Be a Santa" (from Subways Are for Sleeping LP, 1961)
"Brazilian Sleigh Bells" (stereo version from Carefree LP, 1961)
"Judy (Christmas Is)" (from More Themes for Young Lovers, 1964)
Christmas Is... LP (1966)
"Soleado (When a Child Is Born)" (from Summer Place '76, 1976)

Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #12
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/20/2012 05:50:21Copy HTML


The explanation is very simple: the first Billboard article was a misprint and the second Billboard article you apparently have misinterpreted somehow.

The first Billboard article dated October 20, 1958 should have referred to Mr. Faith's new Christmas LP release for that year as Hallelujah, not Music Of Christmas (or as they inaccurately said Music At Christmas). It was just a misprint, plain and simple. I've cautioned many, many times on the message board over the years that you simply can't believe everything you read.

The second Billboard article from November 24, 1958 entitled "Deejays' Favorite Christmas Disks" is a list of the most frequently played Christmas records by deejays each Christmas season. The list was the result of a Billboard survey. And the Number 1 Christmas LP played each Christmas season was, no surprise, Percy Faith's Music Of Christmas (the Mono version, as the Stereo version had not yet been recorded).


Getting those extra tracks would have been nice, but there was no way that was going to happen. Gordon decided to just go with the three that I mentioned in my opening post on the thread.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
TommyEvergreen Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #13
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/22/2012 11:05:14Copy HTML

To say that I am extremely disappointed is an understatement.  Who in their right mind would want a 1954 mono recording when something better exists?!  Why even bother?!  I am fortunate to already have Music of Christmas Volume 2 on CD, which I bought soon after it went out of print for under $5.  I was so desperately looking forward to a remaster of the stereo recording, which has been all but ruined by moronic engineering.  I'm sure Gordon Anderson did the best he could, but I'm in shock at the gall of Columbia Records to toss out such a pathetic bone.  And what makes it even more insulting is that they sit on the 1959 classic like a bratty child who is to ornery to do something with it, but too selfish to let somebody else have it who would.

I still pester them with e-mails about the need to remaster this classic, and never have I ever received even the courtesy of a reply from this ill-bred bunch.  Amazon basically lists the Columbia version as not currently being printed, however Sony pulls this every year only to release it again.

Sorry, folks.  I'm getting madder as I type.  I best get off here.


Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #14
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/23/2012 08:40:20Copy HTML


As I expressed in my opening post on this thread, I am disappointed too. I would have much rather Hallelujah been released by itself as a single CD, than to be coupled on a double CD with the old and inferior 1954 Mono recording of Music Of Christmas. As I said many times on the message board before, Sony will never cede the rights to the 1959 Stereo recording of Music Of Christmas to another record company. So Gordon chose to remaster and release the original 1954 Mono recording and release it with Hallelujah on a double CD.

Even with its technical flaws, the Sony CD of the 1959 Stereo re-recoding of Music Of Christmas is vastly superior
to the original 1954 recording -- regardless of how well the 1954 recording is remastered.

To All:

I have a big update for you regarding the new CD. Gordon advised me yesterday that he has decided not to use the 1997 Sony remaster of Hallelujah for his new Percy Faith CD, and will be doing a completely new remastering job. The contract has been awarded to Battery Remastering Studios here in New York, and the project assigned to renowned remastering engineer, Maria Triana. I spoke with her yesterday and was very impressed. She will do a straight remastering job with no remixing.

This is something that I was hoping for, as I have never been happy with the 1997 Sony remaster. When Sony remastered the recording in 1997, they did a beautiful job but because of the remixing process, the music was altered slightly and the CD had a distinctly different sound from the original 1958 recording. Many folks might not even notice a difference, but I know this music as well as I know my own name and I can tell you unequivocally that there was a decided difference in the music on the remastered CD than from the original 1958 LP. So I will most definitely be looking forward to the new Hallelujah remaster.

This remixing process is
exactly why Stu Phillips (Maestro of the Hollyridge Strings) had told me why he wanted to sit in on the remastering sessions in 2008 when Capitol Records remastered his classic 1965 Christmas album, Christmas Favorites. I asked him why the record companies seem to find it necessary to remix the music for these reissue CDs and here is what he said:

"It seems that all the record companies think that they have to better what was done before. Make it sound more today. I am sitting in to make sure that they don't mess with the original sound."

Thankfully, the Hollyridge Strings reissue CD turned out fine; but that's not always the case with these remastered reissue CDs.

Now that Percy Faith's album Hallelujah will get another lease on life with a new and proper remastering, I am confident that it will come out right this time.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
johnnyelectron Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #15
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/23/2012 01:11:29Copy HTML

After spending an obscene amount of money on a 1997 CD of Hallelujah, I wasn't too excited about spending more money on another copy, but if it is a straight remaster, then that would be great and a must-buy this year. 
I want to lead the "Mission Impossible" crew into the underground salt mine vaults with of all the original master tapes and 'borrow' the 1959 MofC tapes, copy, remaster, and have my MI team return the tapes before Columbia/Sony/Legacy/RCA realizes that they're missing!

CluelessInSeattle Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #16
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/23/2012 01:54:54Copy HTML

Great idea!  Take me along with you when you make that raid.

And, by the way, who will play you in the movie version?
Will in Seattle a.k.a. "Clueless"
johnnyelectron Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #17
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/23/2012 02:22:45Copy HTML

(off topic) - there were no better Mission: Impossible actors than the great late Greg Morris and Peter Graves as Jim Phelps and when the movie made him a bad guy, I gave-up on Tom Cruise & crew.  Greg Morris inspired me to be an engineer! (the 60's/70's MI and 1988 retread were the best IMO).
...and now, back to our regularly scheduled music....
Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #18
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/23/2012 05:30:47Copy HTML

My parents knew Greg Morris. They went to high school together at John Adams High in Cleveland, our hometown. In fact, May 21st was the 40th anniversary of when we moved from Cleveland to New Jersey.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/24/2012 07:15:49Copy HTML

Wow Chip,

I didn't realize you lived in NJ since 1972.  So you were most likely able to view the 1972 broadcast of The WPIX Yule Log, I would imagine.  I don't believe it was available in Cleveland at the time and I don't think Cable TV companies were offering WGN yet.  But as I've mentioned before, I was able to watch it from 1966 on, being our Cable TV company gave us WPIX even though in 1966 I was living in VT.

As you know, I was living in Mt. Kisco, NY from 1970-1975 so I was actually able to listen to The WPIX Yule Log in Stereo on WPIX FM which made it all that more special.  Also, we didn't have Cable TV there but were able to pick up WPIX over the air with a set of rabbit ear antenna.  They finally got Cable TV in late 1974 but we really didn't need it being the signals from NY and NJ were so strong we could pick up almost all the stations except for some UHF ones.

I never missed a broadcast until WGN America didn't broadcast it and then the next year when I had Dish Network, we lost satellite signal so I missed it then and also in 2011 being we didn't get Antenna TV until the first week of January 2012.

Christmas Isn't Just A Day In December, It's A Way Of Life. Susan
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/24/2012 08:24:20Copy HTML


You probably just forgot, but I've talked about our move to New Jersey on the message board several times in the past,
and how it related our family discovering the Yule Log our first Christmas here in 1972. In fact, I even mentioned it in my interview with Washington D.C.'s NPR (National Public Radio). For anyone not aware of the article and would like to read it, Click here.


By the way, the actual town we moved here from was Seven Hills, Ohio, which is a southern suburb of Cleveland. And yes, in case anyone was wondering, the town was named after the Seven Hills of Rome.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/24/2012 02:48:25Copy HTML


I vaguely remember now that you've refreshed my memory, but I was up all night until 6:30 this morning with computer work and I was also trying to catch up on some things I have DVR'd and really wanted to go to bed, but I had to finish the computer work so I wasn't thinking clearly, and I had a flash of memory fragments when I read your post.

I don't know if you have seen any clips, if they exist, of the 1966 Original broadcast or not, but I do remember watching it myself on Christmas Eve., and it was the most beautigul thing I had seen for being an 8 year old.

I do realize that the soundtrack was much different than it is now, and that there were more songs from the more famous artists and actually fewer artists than there are now.  I can't remember any specific music or order of the songs, but remember that I had family who had a lot of the music from then and a few albums, in later years, I acquired.  Then when I really got into record collecting, I acquired many more, but nowhere near what you have.

I know I've mentioned this before, but it would be nice if Kay Cooper has found a copy of the 1966 broadcast in Bill's things that she hasn't gone through yet.    I've also mentioned before that it would be nice if a former employee of WPIX might have a copy of the 1966 broadcast too.

It wouldn't compare in quality to the current program, but for nostalgia purposes, it would be nice to have a version of it.  Oh well, we can hope that it may exist in a vault somewhere such as a copy of the California reshoot in the film canister labeled "The Honeymooners A Dog's Life", did, which they had cleaned and color corrected and them came up with the special "A Logs Life"

I know on 1966 there weren't many Tribune Stations that broadcast The Yule Log, but it would also be nice if one of their affiliates that did broadcast it had a copy in their archives too.  But I guess it would be a difficult task to try and see which stations broadcasst it and who the station manager was and so on.

There's also a possibility that they didn't have it on tape, but did it via repeaters, or through phone lines so they were actually broadcasting from WPIX so to speak.  I don't think Satellites were used that much for TV broadcasting until the 1970's, but I am not an expert in this area.

Christmas Isn't Just A Day In December, It's A Way Of Life. Susan
persimmon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #22
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:05/25/2012 12:37:32Copy HTML

As a rank beginner, I'm excited.  I understand the caveats mentioned above but I'm happy to get these.  Thanks for your efforts Chip!
CluelessInSeattle Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #23
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:06/04/2012 07:31:24Copy HTML

Any word on a release date yet?

(Any chance for a "Christmas in July"?)

Pre-release orders?

Will this be a stamped CD or a CD-R?

Will in Seattle a.k.a. "Clueless"
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:06/05/2012 12:30:30Copy HTML

This is a genuine and bone fide remastered CD, not a CD-R.

Anything that I ever help to get back into print would never be a CD-R.

And no, there is no street date for the CD yet. As soon as there is, I will post it on this thread.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:08/13/2012 10:03:40Copy HTML

Any word yet on when we will be able to get our hands on this long lost treasure?
Will in Seattle a.k.a. "Clueless"
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:08/14/2012 04:00:59Copy HTML

The street date is anticipated for around November 13, 2012.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
CluelessInSeattle Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #27
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:08/14/2012 07:22:14Copy HTML

That's great news!

Only three months left to wait!

Thanks, Chip!
Will in Seattle a.k.a. "Clueless"
johnnyelectron Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #28
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:08/14/2012 08:39:44Copy HTML

Chip said: "The street date is anticipated for around November 13, 2012"

To which I reply, no pun intended, "Hallelujah!"
Strider77 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #29
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:09/22/2012 06:04:46Copy HTML

Click here to pre-order Percy Faith - The Complete Music of Christmas CD from Amazon.

Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #30
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:09/22/2012 09:01:26Copy HTML

Of all the Christmas CDs that I have so far been able to get back into print, this is the one that I am by far the most proud. It was a pleasure working with Gordon on this one and he did an outstanding job in his sales blurb promoting the new CD. In case anyone hasn't already seen it on
Amazon or the Real Gone Music website, I'd like to post it here. Thank you Gordon for heeding my advice on reissuing this legendary music by the great master and maestro Percy Faith, and also thanks for the generous reference to my Yule website and to Mr. Faith's #1 ranking in my Top 300 of the greatest Christmas albums of all-time.

The Complete Music of Christmas
(2-CD Set)

You know a Christmas album is classic when it gets re-recorded in stereo five years after its initial release. You know it's an all-time classic when that re-recording hits the charts a full five years after its initial release. And you know it's downright legendary when the record company goes to the trouble of giving a subsequent Christmas album the same name a full seven years after its initial release under a different title. There's only one Christmas album (or one album, period) that fits all these criteria: Percy Faith's 1954 masterpiece, The Music of Christmas. Majestic, sumptuous, overpowering...the superlatives flow easily when describing this recording, which brought the arranging, orchestrating and conducting prowess of the young maestro to bear on some of the most beloved hymns and carols of all time. Yet, the original mono recording of this holiday essential and its iconic cover art has NEVER been issued on a legitimate CD until now (the 1959 stereo re-recording, which charted in 1964, has never gone out of print, and ranks #1 among Christmas albums at the Christmas music site The Yule Log)! Even better, we've added three mono holiday-themed singles from the 1950s as a little stocking stuffer to wind up disc one. Disc two presents the original stereo version of the 1958 release Hallelujah!; a Christmas classic in its own right, it shows what holiday magic Percy Faith could wield in the stereophonic realm. That album was re-named The Music of Christmas Volume 2 in 1965 (hence the title of this collection); we offer it here with its original 1958 cover art. Both albums feature a brand-new remastering by Maria Triana at Battery Studios in NYC that just leaps out of the stereo, and come with new liner notes. 29 tracks of holiday favorites at their orchestral zenith!


• Both Music of Christmas Albums on
One 2-CD Set
• Both Albums Rank at the Top of Wish
Lists of Christmas Music Fans
• The Original 1954 Mono Version of
Music of Christmas Has Never Been
Issued on Legitimate CD
• Features Original, Iconic Cover Art
from Music of Christmas and
Hallelujah! Albums
• Sparkling New Remastering by
Maria Triana at Battery Studios in NYC
• Includes Three Christmas-Themed
Bonus Singles
• New Liner Notes

STREET DATE: November 13, 2012
LABEL: Real Gone Music
GENRE: Holiday



Music of Christmas

 1. Joy to the World
 2. Silent Night, Holy Night
 3. Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly
 4. It Came upon the Midnight Clear
 5. Good King Wencelas
 6. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
 7. The First Noel
 8. Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming/O Little Town of Bethlehem
 9. O Holy Night
10. The Holly and the Ivy/Here We Go A-Caroling
11. God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
12. O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)

Bonus 1950s Singles
13. Sleigh Ride
14. Christmas in My Heart
15. Christmas in Killarney



 1. Hallelujah Chorus
 2. Away in a Manger
 3. We Three Kings of Orient Are
 4. Gesu Bambino
 5. Angels We Have Heard on High
 6. Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella
 7. Good Christian Men, Rejoice
 8. Carol of the Bells
 9. I Wonder as I Wander
10. I Saw Three Ships
11. What Child Is This (Greensleeves)
12. Angels from the Realms of Glory
13. O, Tannenbaum
14. Christians Awake!

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:09/27/2012 07:47:08Copy HTML

Gordon's REAL GONE MUSIC is now in the bible of my generation!

You did it Master-Chip!

I know I've waited a while to tell you how proud I am of you bud, but hey. You know how busy I am, and I just HAD to see a release-date and cover-art before I could finally believe you had pulled this off! (I mean I knew you did it when you announced it a few months back, but it sounded SO good, I had wondered if the record labels at be, would get cold feet?! And would back out of the deal at the last minute!)

Thanks HEAVENS they didn’t!

So many thrillerbabies are SO proud of you Lawrence F. “Chip“ Arcuri.

And November 13th, 2012 … is a day for the history books.

I love when underdogs accept that miracles such as this … could never happen in their own lifetime, and then, they actually end up helping to PULL ONE OFF themselves … that defies and debunks their once half-empty thoughts.

YOU made our Christmas cup-of-cheer ... half-FULL again Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri … by having FAITH in FAITH. And it will NEVER be forgotten.

And thanks for doing something on Andy Williams.

I saw it on the news today, and almost cried.

We are so blessed to have so much of him for the season.

(I want that old '74 Christmas album, “Christmas Present” remastered and ready now! If the powers at be are smart, they’ll get to work, and FAST! I love his version of “I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day” on that one.)

Can't wait to get PERCY FAITH’s “Hallelujah” in the mail (with ORIGINAL ART!), and then rush to this board to see everyone's posts … AFTER I’ve spun it a few times to soak in the awe. (Sony? Release the giant now. You’ve held it unremastered long enough.)

It looks like THIS year, we'll all get your “Faith” Lawrence a little sooner than we were able to get your wonderful Mantovani milestone of “Christmas Carols.” (I want to buy more copies of this milestone, but its price is getting a bit steep these days. Glad to at least own ONE copy. I pray it doesn’t fall out of print, and that Gordon saves it from doing so! I have this same prayer for Perry Como’s 3-disc Complete Christmas Collection that not many of us had the chance to get before it was yanked! Looks like we’re finally getting it back from Gordon on October 30th! SMART MOVE Gordon. VERY smart! Now don’t dare let Mantovani fall out of our grasp again. PLEASE! Not AGAIN!)

On behalf of my generation, and I speak for many Chip, HATS OFF TO YOU. Just because the Jedi-council seems small at times, doesn’t mean we’re not all still listening, watching, and waiting … with HOPE.

Some of our wait … is OVER.

Praise to all who listened to YOU … listening to US … listening to YOU!

One domino … can affect thousands, and alter the course of undetermined destiny.

BASK in this pride Master-Chip.

You SO deserve it.

And keep your updates coming. Just because I don’t reply on the blogs to them all, doesn’t mean I’m not reading them. I miss getting more OF them, and am so looking forward to Christmas approaching, just to see more of you in my inbox.

Gordon Anderson? If you’re watching, THANKS for believing in our “Christmas voice … of voices. KEEP believing in him. We’re counting on it. Thanks for having FAITH.”

God bless, Merry Christmas, and Have-A-Hap-Hap-Happy New Year!


an entire generation.

PS: Did I tell you how proud we are of you Lawrence?

Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #32
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:09/27/2012 08:45:42Copy HTML


Thank you so very much for your very kind, generous and heartfelt words. I am very touched.  It makes all the blood, sweat and tears that I expend in everything I do so worthwhile. I love your enthusiasm and passion for the website, the music, the upcoming Percy Faith CD and everything Christmas. I hope it's contagious to all those who read your post. You're a very special person and are truly blessed with the most precious gift of a pure, simple and burning love for the little things in life that mean the most. God bless you, my boy, and nice to see you back on the board. 

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
RareChristmasMusicLover Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #33
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:09/27/2012 10:32:00Copy HTML

You're welcome my friend! And the feeling is mutual.
As Chris Reeve said at the end of Superman 2 to the President, "Sorry I've been away so long. I won't let you down again."
November 13th, can't believe it!!! Faith is MINE November 13th!

Keep the Faith!

maxx151 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #34
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:09/27/2012 01:54:45Copy HTML

Bravo Chip and a big thanks to Gordon!!!

I will pre-order this immediately this morning!
Now I hope you can help get a release of 1965's Living Voices "The Little Drummer Boy" which is one of the best Christmas records ever!  I love their rendition of "Do You Hear What I Hear," and the entire record makes any day feel like Christmas.   "Be a Santa" and "The Little Christmas Tree Waltz" are other great tracks!

Best and warmest regards to you and the members of the board!
Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #35
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:09/27/2012 08:27:16Copy HTML


Love the post and a very "HAPPY" to you too!


Yes, I'd very much like to get the Living Voices 1965 album The Little Drummer Boy back in print. I'd especially like to do this for my dear friend Ethel Gabriel, the legendary RCA Records producer who created the Living Voices and produced all of their albums. Ethel was very grateful to me when I included one of her songs (Be A Santa) in the new
fourth hour of the Yule Log that I added to the program in 2009. I'd especially like to get the entire 1965 album back in print to further preserve her musical legacy to the world.

Let's keep our fingers crossed! 

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
xmaslover1960 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #36
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/02/2012 10:33:38Copy HTML

Chip,I locked my own post because I saw this afterwards! But,I'm happy Gordon Anderson has finally done what many here had thought was impossible,aquired the Faith 2 Volume set! And,the fact he's included the Legendary Original 1954 1st volume is worth its weight in gold in itself!

11-02-12 @ 06:42 AM
Follow-up to above message:

Maybe if the sales are good one on this one,it will motivate Sony to Remaster a new CD version and possibly do a Columbia/Legacy "Expanded Edition" of the Stereo one,Perhaps? Sure hope so!

*Message edited by the Yule Message Board Administrator on 11/02/12 to combine two reply posts by the same member. Also, double-post was deleted.

Michael Boyce
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/05/2012 10:36:59Copy HTML

I am glad that these 2 recordings are finally seeing the light of day. Like everyone else, I wish CBS/SONY would remaster the MofC stereo recording (maybe even with the 6 eye stereo fidelity label). As for myself, I've owned the stereo version of MofC on CD for a long time and it is one of the first CD's to get a spin at Christmas (along with Merry Christmas and Good Night, Dear Lord by Johnny Mathis-orchestra conducted by PERCY FAITH).

I have the following of Faith's Christmas music:  Original pressing mono (reddish/brown label), The Columbia Album of Christmas Music C2L-15 (2 LP set of MofC and Hallelujah-mono-6 eye label-if they'd waited a year they could have had a stereo package of these two albums. The new CD release kind of mirrors this package if they'd mixed one mono and one stereo album in the 2 record set, but Columbia just sold the stereo Halleujah separately and never paired it with the stereo MofC), MofC stereo re-recording (stereo fidelity 6 eye label),  and 1 replacement album jacket (no record) from later re-issue of MofC on Columbia Limited Edition series (brown label with fat white "C" at the top).

Have kept the MofC 2 in my sights on Amazon to see if it would ever come up at a decent price-HA! Am glad I was patient! Have already pre-ordered this set and can't wait to hear Halleujah in stereo for the first time!

Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #38
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/05/2012 06:43:16Copy HTML

Welcome to the message board, James.

FYI: That double LP set, The Columbia Album Of Christmas Music, was issued a couple of times by Columbia Records. The original release was catalog #C2L-15 in 1958. It is pictured below...

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
Christmas Always Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #39
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/05/2012 10:26:47Copy HTML

Wow, You learn something new every now and then.

I didn't realize that Columbia did a double release in 1958 and even though I have the original releases of these albums, it would be nice to have this extra bonus on Vinyl in my collection, I am guessing it's probably hard to find.  But I'm sure it would be the "6-Eye" for the original release.
Christmas Isn't Just A Day In December, It's A Way Of Life. Susan
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/06/2012 04:02:41Copy HTML

Thank you for the warm welcome! The MofC sleeve I own is from the second reissue of that album on Columbia's Limited Edition label (The chocolate brown label with the fat white  "C" at the top). I was not aware of its first reissue on the Columbia Special Products record shown above in this post.(The CSP banner kind of ruins the cover design though. I'm glad that cover wasn't used on the CD reissue). The reissue of MofC Volume 2 was also issued as part of the same Limited Edition series.

As for why The Columbia Album of Christmas Music (TCAOCM) has the original mono recording of MofC is probably because Percy Faith hadn't rerecorded MofC in stereo until 1959. As I mentioned, if they'd just waited they could have had a mono/stereo  set with the new rerecordings of MofC, instead of TCAOCM just coming outwith the mix and match of the original 1954 mono verson (along with then current 1958 mono version of Hallelujah)  due to the fact that there was NO stereo version of MofC at the time of the release of TCAOCM in 1958. I've never seen a reissue of TCAOCM. Do you know when it came out? I got my copy of TCAOCM, from a used record store in fantastic condition about 20 or so years ago.(That was the first time I'd ever seen it). You might want to check Amazon , GEMM, or Dusty Groove online to locate a copy.

Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #41
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/06/2012 06:35:52Copy HTML


When Columbia issued the double LP of Mr. Faith's 2 Christmas albums in 1958, there were no plans in the works for him to re-record Music Of Christmas. That decision did not come until the spring of 1959 (the actual recording dates were Tuesday June 16th and Friday June19th).

Columbia reissued the Double LP sometime in the early '60s.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
jinglero Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #42
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/06/2012 06:14:33Copy HTML

I'm surprised that Columbia didn't offer, in addition to the mono TCAOCM,  a stereo set  of TCAOCM containing the rerecording of MofC with Hallelujah and just note that the MofC was a new recording and that the original mono recording was available on C2L-15. Or perhaps they could have just replaced C2L-15's 1954 mono recording of MofC with the mono disc of the 1959 rerecord (with a note saying this is a new version) and give it a new catalog number so the mono sets contents would now correspond with  the new stereo set (if they'd put one togther,that is).
johnnyelectron Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #43
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/06/2012 06:28:32Copy HTML

Now you're assuming Columbia Records (and successors Legacy/Sony) acutally use logic about music lovers and their stereo records!  We take it seriously, but I wish somebody at 51 52nd Street cared about music as much as we do and did their own proper remastering of Percy Faith's Music of Christmas from 1959 - Columbia DID remaster Andy Williams' first 2 Xmas LP's along with Johnny Mathis (w/Percy Faith)  & Barbra Streisand's early Columbia Christmas releases.   ....and...IF they don't want to remaster the '59 MofC, let somebody else do it right this time as noise reduction technology has evolved greatly since their hastily released CD in 1990.

Christmas Always Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #44
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/06/2012 09:10:55Copy HTML

I myself don't think that Music Of Christmas from 1959 needs remastering or remixing being Percy Faith totally re-recorded this album over in 1959 and it sounds just beautiful the way it is and I've mentioned this before, that if you listen the the 1954 album by itself and then listen to the 1959 album buy itself, you won't notice much of a difference other than it being in Stereo, but if you were to listen to both albums side by side, you would find a few subtle differences and also that there are some songs that are a few seconds longer on the 1959 recording.

Remastering it or remixing it would ruin an already perfect album, so they just need to take it from the master recording and not change a thing.  Don't mess with perfection and in this case, Percy Faith's music is perfect the way it is.

When they remaster music, they often add reverb or make certain tracks louder.  I don't know how many tracks the actual master was recorded in, but they had to mix them into two channels.

I don't think there is anything they could do to improve on Music Of Christmas from 1959.  It's absolutely perfect and beautiful the way it is.

{EDITED by Christmas Always to correct a typo and add a missing word to correct grammar in a sentence}

Christmas Isn't Just A Day In December, It's A Way Of Life. Susan
torchs Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #45
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/11/2012 06:12:49Copy HTML


Any news on how and when I can order these two CDs yet?. I listen to the samples on the mp3s at Amazon, ang the music is quite relaxing, sweet and superb. I want to own both of these soon and my hands are itchy; hope to order these CDs soon.

11-11-12 @ 01:17 AM
Follow-up to above message:

Chip, I just saw the 2 CDs as a pre-order in Amazon and it will be released on November 13? Disc 1 and Dis 2

Is it the fastest way yo order this? or there will be a faster one shipping to Australia?

*Message edited by the Yule Message Board Administrator on 11/11/12 to combine two consecutive reply posts by the same member. Also, double-post was deleted.

**Click here to review my post regarding same-day double-posting.

Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #46
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/11/2012 07:22:01Copy HTML

Amazon is your best bet, Nestor.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
TommyEvergreen Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #47
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/12/2012 06:07:55Copy HTML


I have bugged Legacy/Sony for years to remaster the stereo version of Music of Christmas.  Today, out of the blue, I received an e-mail from them saying that it is "currently being reissued!"  I sent a reply e-mail asking them if they are talking about the stereo version or the 1954 mono version coming out next week on the Real Music label.  Whether they'll reply is questionable, since this is the first time they've ever contacted me in all these years. 

Part of me thinks they're referring to the mono version, but if that's the case why should Legacy notify me since it's Real Music issuing the product?  I checked Amazon, but I found no new version of the stereo CD--although they are out of stock on the item as direct sellers, a situation that happends ever fall on Amazon.  

Do you know anything about this, Chip?

Tommy Evergreen
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/12/2012 10:27:47Copy HTML


Sorry to disappoint you, but you misunderstood them. What they meant is that they are re-releasing the same version that they do at this same time every year. However, it's possible that they are referring to Gordon's new CD, which will be released tomorrow. But either way, unfortunately, there are no plans for Sony to re-remaster the stereo recording.

Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/13/2012 10:35:01Copy HTML

We received Percy Faith, The Complete Music Of Christmas today and it is fantastic to hear this music. The 6-eye "label" is a nice touch too...
Christmas Music Guru Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #50
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Re:Percy Faith's 1958 LP 'Hallelujah' to be re-released on CD!

Date Posted:11/14/2012 07:22:36Copy HTML

Glad to hear that you liked the new CD, Jeff. I hope that others will be pleased too. It was a sheer joy working with Gordon on this one and I am just elated that he finally took me up on my suggestion to reissue this legendary music by this most legendary of all Christmas music artists, Percy Faith. Glad that you also liked the 6-eye label on the CDs.

*[Edited 11/14/12 to correct typo]
Lawrence F. "Chip" Arcuri Owner/Webmaster | The Yule
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